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Exterminator “Trico” 10l

Suspendable stink ball that does not smell like elk, deer, roe deer, mink or rabbit.


Trico is a natural repellent consisting of water and flat grass. The repellent effect is provided by the smell. Available in a 10l canister and in a 1l Trico Garden bottle as a ready-mix.
High efficiency, simplicity and speed of application are ensured by the possibility of using a back spray. Can be used on both conifers and hardwoods. Can be used from seedling to log – trunk spraying ensures protection against barking and horn barking. No risk of damage to the crown or bud.
Spray crowns 1-2 times a year (effective 6-8 months) to protect seedlings and trunks of older trees to control barking and horn blight. It adheres well to the plant, is extremely weather resistant and has a high deterrent effect due to its odour.
Costs for canopy spraying approx. 8-10 l/ha, for stem spraying 10-20 l/ha. Effective against roe deer, elk and moose is guaranteed.
Trico is also widely used in Swedish and Finnish forestry, where, based on longer experience than in Estonia, it can be concluded that systematic use of the repellent, even over a longer period of time, ensures protection against damage by game – the reptile does not get used to the specific odour of the product.