Snow clearing and de-icing of roofs
During the winter period, we carry out snow clearance on different types of roofs, including ice and de-icing - from flat to the steepest.
It is inevitable in Estonian winters that at least a few times during the winter there will be a need to clear the snow from the roof and remove the ice and icy patches.
Shovelling snow from a roof is not comparable to the same activity on the ground. Without previous experience, the right tools and the right techniques, it is a very dangerous job. For security reasons, it is wise and advisable to entrust your property to professionals.
Vikatimehe's experienced and skilled team we will clean your roof carefully and properly, using the appropriate tools and techniques, without damaging the roof surface.
No sharp or metal tools will be used . Snow shovels do not have sharp metal edges to avoid paint damage and scratches. We only use rubber hammers to remove ice traps. If necessary, we use special mountaineering safety equipment to ensure access to the most difficult places.
You don't always have to - and shouldn't necessarily - go up on the roof to push snow and remove ice. To carry out the work, we use the indispensable help of forklifts .
The company owns a crawler crane with a working height of 22 metres. The crawler crane is ideal for travelling over snowy terrain and surfaces, accessing and working in confined spaces such as narrow backyards. For higher roofs, a trailing hoist with a working height of 25 metres can be used.
The aim should not be to keep the roof perfectly clean, but to keep the roof material, structure and rainwater systems intact. As the condition of the roof is one of the most important factors in the lifetime of any building, we have taken every precaution to ensure that the work is carried out in the best possible way to maintain the value of your property.
Of course, we will ensuresafety on the roads and on foot during snow clearance- we will demarcate the danger zone and put up warning signs.
We also organise snow and ice removal as needed.