The branch chipping service is a convenient and environmentally friendly way to get rid of piles of branches accumulated during tree felling, pruning or maintenance work.

An added value is the very versatile oxomulsh obtained by crushing the twigs.

The resulting material can be composted, used in the home garden to cover flower beds or under-planting areas to prevent weeds from growing in these places, used to build paths, etc. using the material.

There is also the possibility to rent a tree lopper with delivery.

Depending on the situation and your wishes, we will remove/utilize the branches or branches.

We use a powerful professional shredder to shred the branches. Diameter of the branches to be broken up to 150 mm.

The minimum outward price for this service is EUR 60 (excluding VAT).

Value for money - Vikatimehe's personalised service package!

Choose which Vikatimehe services you need or we can consult together to find the best possible solution to create your very own personalised service package.

Depending on the volume of services, the price of a package solution will be significantly cheaper than the price of a single service.

The most desirable solutions include chipping of heatable wood material according to the dimensions/needs of your stove and recycling of non-heatable material, wood material bundling/storage, removal/utilisation of branches or all wood material, stump/ stump milling and restoration of the landscape.


    Name *

    Company / Housing association

    Email *

    Phone *

    Message / description of planned works *

    How did you find us? *

    Mark the exact location on the map or write the address in the box *

    Attach pictures of the object / logging permit
    Maximum of five (5) files up to 50MB in total.